Optimized Financial Systems Announces Partnership with IBM

Posted on May 20, 2014 | 0 comments

May 20, 2014- Today, Optimized Financial Systems announced a partnership with IBM.  Optimized Financial Systems will be selling ILOG products including IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio, IBM ILOG Inventory and Product Flow Analyst, IBM ILOG LogicNet Plus XE, IBM Decision Optimization Center, and IBM ILOG Transportation Analyst.  IBM ILOG Optimization products and solutions have broad applicability to a multitude of challenges in nearly every industry. They help organizations quickly determine how to most effectively allocate limited resources and to automatically balance trade-offs and business constraints, helping you achieve maximum operational efficiency and improved profitability. IBM ILOG Optimization products deliver measurable return on investment (ROI) through effective analytical decision-support solutions. IBM ILOG Optimization products and solutions support decision-making processes in situations where complexity and urgency limit the ability of human beings to consider multiple trade-offs. Users can implement better decisions faster by focusing their attention on critical complexities rather than on routine matters.

IBM ILOG Optimization products and solutions support decision- making processes in situations where complexity and urgency limit the ability of human beings to consider multiple trade-offs; product users can implement better decisions faster by focusing their attention on critical complexities rather than on routine matters.


IBM ILOG Inventory and Product Flow Analyst

Globalization and complexity in the supply chain make it difficult to identify the true drivers of inventory. IBM ILOG Inventory and Product Flow Analyst helps find the hidden drivers so that companies can prioritize improvement opportunities based on overall inventory impact. Global inventory optimization strategically positions raw materials, work in progress (WIP), and finished goods inventory throughout the supply chain to improve inventory turns, free up working capital, and increase cash flows.

IBM ILOG Inventory and Product Flow Analyst is a web-based, enterprise-inventory-optimization solution that helps manufacturers, retailers, and distributors manage their inventory from end-to-end. It handles both inbound/outbound and distribution-focused business models, helping companies answer a broad range of business questions, from determining the right inventory policies and strategic positioning of inventory to the ongoing setting of safety stocks and inventory levels in operational environments. Integral to an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, it allows inventory planners to determine how much inventory should be kept in stock for each product on an ongoing basis.

IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio V12.6.1

IBM ILOG CPLEX Enterprise Server for Non-Production provides an ordering option for your development and testing environment with IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio V12.6.1. With the Processor Value Unit metric, you get a lower price point than the regular IBM ILOG CPLEX Enterprise Server to meet your nonproduction needs.

IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio offers an integrated modeling toolkit that enables rapid modeling and deployment of analytical optimization problems. It supports end-to-end mathematical modeling from prototyping through operational deployment. It includes CPLEX Optimizer solvers for mathematical programming and constraint programming that are robust and high speed providing confidence in accuracy and reliability. An open architecture facilitates interoperability with other modeling languages, tools, and systems.

IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio V12.6.1 now offers a trade-up option from Deployment Entry Edition Processor Value Unit (PVU) License to Deployment Edition Processor Value Unit (PVU) License.

Version 12.6.1 delivers:

  • Improved solution times on difficult mixed-integer problems
  • Improved solution times on scheduling problems
  • An algorithm to provide a global optimum for problems with non- convex quadratic objectives
  • An algorithm which harnesses compute clusters to solve mixed- integer problems
  • Constraints to better model ordering relationships between operations and to easily specify highly combinatorial relationships
  • Reorganization of parameters into a functional hierarchy
  • Additional capability in the Integrated Development Environment
  • Updated price metrics and structures
    • Floating User Single Session (FUSS) licensing

IBM Decision Optimization Center

In response to a shift in the market toward line-of-business adoption of enterprise decision-making solutions and applications, the product name, IBM ILOG ODM Enterprise, is renamed IBM Decision Optimization Center. Decision Optimization Center is a flexible, optimization-powered platform that delivers optimization across many business functions through a common architecture that provides the intelligence needed to help transform data insights into action. Unlike other decision-support packages, custom solutions, and development environments, Decision Optimization Center gives:

  • Enterprises the flexibility and speed to make and validate forward-looking decisions through a common portal for adopting or building optimization models for enterprise deployment.
  • Lines of business the power to transform analytic insights into prescribed planning and scheduling, supply chain, and asset utilization actions that generate competitive advantage.
  • IT a modernized, flexible deployment architecture for implementing enterprise analytic applications and business value solutions across the global value chain.
  • Solution developers a CPLEX-powered development platform for creating innovative decision support applications by effectively applying operations research methods.

Key features in V3.8 include:

  • Performance and scalability: Lower latency in the business user interface helps improve the user experience when working with large data sets.
  • Rapid and flexible application development: The use of scripting helps reduce the time and effort required to customize data models and views.
  • An effective business interface: The ability to define user roles and rights helps planners differentiate roles in the planning process to support organizational business processes. Enhancements in this release allow planners to see or interact only with data relevant to their role such as world-wide versus local planning.
  • Ease of use: Enhancements to the Gantt chart component enable business users to move activities within a schedule interactively in real time.
  • Flexible architecture: A basic representational state transfer (REST) API helps facilitate application web deployment, especially for integration requirements such as data access and job control.

IBM ILOG ODM Enterprise V3.8

IBM Optimization helps businesses determine how to most effectively allocate limited resources and to automatically balance trade-offs and business constraints to achieve maximum operational efficiency. IBM Optimization delivers measurable return on investment (ROI) through effective, analytical decision-support solutions. IBM Optimization supports decision-making processes in situations where complexity and urgency mandate solutions that can quickly and automatically analyze the operational impact of numerous business decisions.

IBM ILOG Optimization Decision Manager (ODM) Enterprise V3.7 offers a platform for advanced analytics solutions based on optimization, with out-of-the-box features such as ‘what-if’ analysis, user-friendly GUIs, and a repeatable implementation process for deploying enterprise-wide, decision support.

IBM ILOG Optimization Decision Manager Enterprise V3.7 helps address the needs of:

  • Line-of-business decision makers seeking to improve business operations and planning to achieve better resource utilization within their specific industry domains
  • Information technology specialists seeking to provide dynamic, collaborative, connected decision support that influences information resources across the enterprise
  • Analytics experts seeking to rapidly develop and deploy optimization decision support applications
  • Companies and organizations “competing on analytics” by making customer-centric, fact-based, data-driven decisions who need extensible, decision management solutions
  • Organizations focused on improving operational and commercial efficiency

Platform-based, optimization solutions often make it easier for line-of-business decision makers to create, share, and deploy custom plans and schedules across the extended enterprise. These solutions help them to make the best use of limited resources while managing risk and maximizing value.

Industry accelerators such as Empty Container Repositioning or Complex Project Scheduling, based on ODM Enterprise, can be tailored to fit business processes and practices. This enables “what-if” analysis, and support for automatic or guided resolution of trade offs and conflicting business objectives.

ODM Enterprise enhancements include:

  • Synchronized support for the Domain Object Model to link enterprise application data with effective decision support
  • Built-in support for date-related data types in the Application Data Model, views, and optimization models
  • An API to store and restore ODM Studio view configurations
  • Support for Linux SUSE and RHEL (applies to IBM ILOG ODM Enterprise Data Server and IBM ILOG ODM Enterprise Optimization Server only)
  • Built-in support for Gantt view that is configurable from the ODM Enterprise IDE as existing simple table views or pivot table views
  • An industry accelerator for the mining industry, Mine to Ship Optimization. For more information, refer to

http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/information-agenda/ catalog/profiles/Opt_Mind_to_Ship_IND_12.html

These enhancements help businesses improve decision making through the application of advanced analytics on top of existing IT solutions. Ready-made industry connectors based on pre-built, validated assets for Industrial Manufacturing and Travel & Transportation industries are also available. These assets provide an advanced starting point to develop industry-specific, custom planning and scheduling solutions that are tailored to fit your business.

IBM ODM Enterprise V3.7 helps line-of-business decision makers who need to:

  • Improve business operations and planning through better resource utilization within their specific industry domains.
  • Provide dynamic, collaborative, connected decision support by influencing information resources across the enterprise.
  • Develop and deploy planning and scheduling applications tailored to fit the organization.
  • Make fact-based, data-driven decisions quickly and reliably in time critical situations.
  • Improve operational and commercial efficiency.

IBM Optimization Solutions Accelerator, an enhanced feature, helps enable:

  • Cost-effective and lower risk development and deployment of industry-specific solutions
  • Enhanced globalization


  1. Optimization Programming Language
  2. Optimization Decision Manager


Optimized Financial Systems.  Solutions for Tomorrow.  Engineered Today.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Andrea Onopa at 800-654-7959 or email at aonopa@optimizedfinancialsystems.com.


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